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Here at Christ for all Nations, we value your support and prayers. We believe in targeted prayer, as it states in numerous places within scripture. 

Gospel Campaigns:

  • Pray that all those leading at the Gospel Campaigns and the volunteers there will remain protected and energised for the work at hand. Before, during and following the Gospel Campaigns.
  • Pray for Visa’s to be granted for access into the countries of our specific call, for upcoming Gospel Campaigns.
  • Pray that the logistics come together in preparation for all the Gospel Campaigns and events held worldwide.
  • Pray that the equipment arrives in good condition and in plenty of time for set up.
  • Pray for the preparation teams that go ahead of the Gospel Campaigns laying the groundwork and making the local communities aware of the coming event.
  • Pray for the evangelism teams that go into the local schools and communities ahead of the gospel campaigns that these doors will continue to open as pathways to Christ.
  • Pray for open hearts of those visiting the Gospel Campaigns to receive Jesus as their Lord & Saviour. For the new believers to pursue their relationship with Jesus, proactively joining a church family.
  • Pray that those new believers will share their testimonies and healings so that others will find faith and be encouraged.

CfaN Offices & Partners

  • Pray for our Partners across the world.
  • Please pray that an awareness of the work of Christ for all Nations will spread around the world (specifically within the UK) and that new Partners will follow the Lord’s calling to support and pray for the ministry of Christ for all Nations.
  • Please pray that God will open opportunities for positive relations to be built with churches all over the world.
  • Pray for Volunteers to join us in the Ministry at the nine offices around the world including the front lines at the Gospel Campaigns.
  • Pray for wisdom and guidance for Daniel Kolenda and the leadership of Christ for all Nations as they listen to the directive of Christ for the Ministry.
  • Pray for refreshment for all the Christ for all Nations staff and volunteers that they may be empowered to share the Gospel message around the world.
  • Pray against spiritual attacks that the enemy may place against Christ for all Nations around the world.


  • Pray that the resources that we distribute will impact and transform hearts and lives, causing a chain reaction of evangelism around the world.
  • Pray for inspiration for future evangelism resources and how best to equip the saints.
  • Pray that the School of Fire will be well attended as an online course and that it will create opportunities for the Gospel to be shared.


  • Pray for financial provision for all aspects of Christ for all Nations including:
  • Gospel Campaigns
  • Global events
  • Staff and running costs for the Ministry
  • Funds for up to date equipment and resources for the Ministry.


  • Prayer for Christ for all Nations TV and for the global impact that it is having; transforming lives, bringing refreshment and revelation.
  • Prayer for the TV crew filming, editing, and producing the Christ for all Nations TV show.
  • Prayer for inspiration for future guests and themes for Daniel Kolenda and the Christ for all Nations TV Team.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer. 

God bless you,

Christ for all Nations UK