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1... 2... 3... JESUS!

Dear Mission Partners,

What a powerful conclusion to our first week of crusades in Ethiopia!

Tonight, I wrapped up the week in Dilla, where the weather forecast threatened solid rain all afternoon and evening. We prayed, and in what can only be described as a miracle, the rain clouds cleared, and we arrived to find the field packed to capacity – even the stands and hills on the outskirts were full!

I had planned to preach, but when I saw this breakthrough crowd, I asked Evangelist Randy Roberts to deliver the message. Randy had been preaching the first two nights when only a few hundred people attended. He plowed through the difficult ground, and now, as we saw the harvest, I wanted him to taste the fruit of that labor.

After Randy preached the gospel and prayed with tens of thousands to surrender to Christ, Evangelist Dario Guistino prayed for the sick.

Nomi, who had been partially deaf since birth, suddenly could hear! As we tested her hearing, she was so overwhelmed by the touch of the Holy Spirit that she fell to the ground, speechless.

A man battling back cancer for seven years declared that the tumor had vanished entirely, leaving only loose skin where it once had been.

Another young woman, also partially deaf, stood on stage and repeated words from a distance, marveling at her own healing. The testimonies continued to pour in like the rain, each one more powerful than the last.

As the team loaded into their vehicles after the closing benediction, the heavens opened and the rain began to pour – a torrential downpour that seemed to echo God’s presence. His hand held back the storm just long enough to reach every soul He had drawn to that place.

Meanwhile, in Hawassa…

The final night of the Gospel Crusade felt less like an end and more like the beginning of a city-wide revival. As Evangelist Gary Smith took the platform, even the streets were flooded with people. Cars could barely make their way down the road, through the throngs of worshippers. During the invitation to receive Christ, hands rose like a field of wheat ready for harvest.

In a beautiful moment, a Muslim woman brought her son, Bobo, who had never spoken a word, to the platform. Tonight, in front of thousands, Bobo said his first words: “1, 2, 3” and “Jesus.” The crowd erupted in praise as his mother fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face, declaring that it was Jesus who healed her son. And that was just the beginning – many other wonderful testimonies followed.

This brings us to the end of the first week here in Ethiopia, but our task is far from over. Hawassa and Dilla are the first 2 of 9 crusades we will conduct here over the next few weeks. This means that we have now conducted 35 crusades so far this year! That’s over 140 nights of mass evangelistic crusades this year alone!

Before the years’ end, we will have conducted 50 crusades as we press into a historic harvest in our 50th year as a ministry. This is unprecedented and frankly, miraculous. Nothing like this has ever happened before. But these are the days of harvest and even greater things lie ahead.

Thank you for praying and standing with us. We could not do our part without your help. We are trusting God at each step to help us with upcoming crusades in Nigeria in just a few weeks. Please ask the Lord if He would have you sow into that campaign financially.

Yours in Christ,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 


Dear Mission Partners,

Today I left Hawassa in the capable hands of Gary Smith and Mark Morozov––the ongoing crusade there is a remarkable success. My only concern: will the field be able to hold the multitude that will gather tonight and tomorrow night?

Leaving Hawassa, I traveled by car, about 90 kilometers, to Dilla, where Randy Roberts has carried the crusade the last two days. Dilla, one of Ethiopia’s rainiest cities, has been a challenge––constant downpours have turned the crusade field into a muddy quagmire. The locals, who go out of their way to avoid the rain, have kept their distance. Attendance has been thin so far. But we’ve been praying, (and you have been praying for us) and tonight, we saw a BREAKTHROUGH!

The clouds parted like a curtain over the town, and despite the mud, people came—oh, how they came—hungry and expectant. The crowd was TEN TIMES larger than last night, and the atmosphere was electric. I took the microphone and preached the Gospel with all my heart. The response was overwhelming—thousands made the decision to follow Christ!

After the prayer of salvation, I spoke on Spirit Baptism and led a moment of worship. In the stillness that followed, the Holy Spirit moved powerfully through the crowd. People trembled, some fell to the ground under God’s power, others spoke in new tongues, and many were delivered from demons. It felt as if the Lord Himself was walking among us.

Next, I handed the microphone to Dario Guistino––another graduate of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp––to pray for the sick. With faith and authority, he declared healing in Jesus’ name. The crowd echoed each prayer with a resounding “AMEN!” Miracles followed fast—our team could hardly keep up.

Bereket, born deaf in her left ear, stood on stage in tears as she heard out of that ear for the first time.

Ephraem, who had suffered three years of pain and limited movement in his left arm was healed. He dropped to the ground and did push-ups on stage, grinning the whole time.

Meanwhile, in Hawassa, God moved powerfully too. Despite facing his own trials—including kidney stones that would’ve flattened most men—Evangelist Mark Morozov pressed on. He preached the gospel with boldness and thousands surrendered to Jesus.

After Mark’s message, Evangelist Gary Smith prayed for the people to receive the Holy Spirit, and a powerful outpouring followed.

When it came time to pray for healing, Mark, who had been struggling with his own ailment, prayed in faith anyway! As I taught so many times in Bootcamp, God uses us despite our own challenges––not because we are a picture of health. Mark saw that demonstrated tonight.  

A young boy who had been unable to smell for five years suddenly regained his sense of smell.

Another man, injured in a motorbike accident, was healed of neck pain that had plagued him for 7 years.

Tomorrow marks the final night of crusades in both cities before we move to two new locations. In total, we will conduct nine crusades in Ethiopia over the next few weeks, bringing our crusade count this year, to 40––with only 10 more to go in 2024––our 50th year.

Thank you for your prayers and partnership as we continue bringing the message of hope to the world. We stand amazed by His grace and power.

Yours in Christ,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 


Dear Mission Partners,

As the second night in Ethiopia comes to a close, we stand amazed by all God is doing. Tonight, the Gospel was proclaimed, miracles took place, and Jesus was glorified. I had the privilege of preaching again in Hawassa, where the crowd doubled from yesterday. The energy was electric, far beyond what local leaders expected.

After leading thousands to Christ, we witnessed the ever-unforgettable scene – barrels filled with occultic items set ablaze as people cast off chains of bondage and fear. The fire burned, but what it symbolized was even brighter – freedom in Christ. Afterwards, Evangelist Mark Morozov led a powerful prayer for healing, and the crowd rejoiced as bodies were restored.

Meanwhile, in the city of Dilla, Evangelist Randy Roberts faced an unexpected challenge – rain. It came down in sheets, soaking the crusade grounds. But the hunger in the crowd was stronger than the storm. Even standing in mud, they refused to leave. After preaching, Randy prayed for the sick. Here’s a few testimonies from tonight in both cities.

Bortukan, who had suffered severe back pain for over 20 years, was instantly healed after prayer. She tested her healing by doing squats with a smile! 

Betel, who struggled with asthma for 17 years, is now breathing freely for the first time. 

Tariku, who had pain on the left side of his body for three months, saw that pain completely vanish.

Turrufat, whose eyesight had been failing for 18 years, can now see clearly and confirmed her healing by counting fingers at a distance.

Serfekasa, who battled kidney problems for eight years, tested her healing on stage by doing squats pain-free.

Tomorrow, I’ll join Randy Roberts in Dilla, while Gary Smith and Mark Morozov continue the crusade in Hawassa. Please keep us in your prayers as we press on in the power of the Gospel.

Yours in Christ,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 


Dear Mission Partners,

The first night of our crusades in Ethiopia has just ended, marking another step in our historic initiative. As we near our 50th anniversary, we’re pressing into God’s promises and witnessing something extraordinary. So far, we’ve completed 33 of the 50 planned crusades, with 17 left – 9 of which will take place in Ethiopia in the coming weeks.

This week, crusades are in full swing in Hawassa and Dilla. I started tonight in Hawassa, where I’ll preach again tomorrow before heading to Dilla for the weekend. Evangelists Gary Smith and Mark Morozov will continue ministering in Hawassa, while Randy Roberts leads in Dilla until I arrive.

It’s been 12 years since Evangelist Bonnke and I were last in Ethiopia. Since then, the country has faced political unrest, conflict, and economic hardship. The 2020 war displaced millions, sparking a humanitarian crisis. A peace agreement was reached in November 2022, but the nation is still healing. We believe the Gospel is the answer, and we are preaching it boldly.

The response in both cities has been overwhelming – joy and freedom are palpable! It’s a preacher’s paradise!

After I preached the Gospel, Gary Smith prayed for the sick in Hawassa, and Randy Roberts did the same in Dilla. Here are just a few of the incredible testimonies: 

Deme, a soldier with a gunshot injury who couldn’t bend his knees for 7 years, was healed! He left walking and jumping, pain-free.

Sambre, who suffered severe neck pain from a car accident a year ago, was healed and can now move freely.

Delube, who had leg pain from a motorcycle accident four years ago, was also healed – squatting without pain.

Yanathan, who had nerve pain in his leg and vision issues for the past year, received a double miracle! His leg pain disappeared, and his vision was restored – he can now read the Bible without trouble!

This is just the beginning of what God is doing in Ethiopia. The spiritual battle is intense, but we know the enemy is defeated, and Jesus is being lifted high! We press on in prayer and faith, expecting many more lives to be touched.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer. The harvest is great, and we are privileged to witness it firsthand

Yours in Christ,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest?