June 9, 2013
Dear Mission-Partners,
Today the Gospel Campaign here in Nairobi, Kenya came to a climax as 220,000 packed Uhuru Park to absolute capacity. In fact, the venue was so full that unfortunately, many people were unable to get in. Those that were there however received a mighty blessing '“ including our whole team. What a privilege it is to preach the Gospel under any circumstances, but how much more to people who are hungry, open and receptive. Many thousands received Christ tonight and many more were supernaturally healed. In fact I even heard that miracles were taking place during the preaching!
We heard the testimony of a woman who had HIV AIDS. After the prayer for those with HIV yesterday, she went for a blood test today and brought the diagnosis from the lab to the meeting tonight. I read it with my own eyes, 'HIV NEGATIVE!'
One precious 'mamma' was blind and received her sight tonight. She was overcome with emotion as she gave her testimony and we were all rejoicing with her.
A beautiful young lady had paralysis on her right side because of a stroke, but tonight she was totally healed and praised the Lord that now she can walk gracefully like she used to.
Another woman testified that she had breast cancer. Last night as the meeting was closing I told the people, 'If you have not yet received your miracle, don't worry about it many of you will be healed on your way home tonight.' She said that as she was walking home, suddenly she felt a cold sensation come over her breast and she remembered what I had said. She checked herself out and realised that everything was normal she was healed!
This week has been a very special week for all of us. I was so happy that my wife and my parents were also here with us along with a large group of guests from literally around the world. We are all rejoicing this week at what the Lord has done and we have been praying, and thanking the Lord for you our precious friends and partners who continually stand with us, shoulder to shoulder in this great harvest of souls. You will be partakers in the Heavenly reward.
We will be sending you the decision cards count as soon as it is completed. Until then God bless you all!
Yours in the Harvest,