Imagine you are a member of the crew of an aircraft carrier in the US Navy. Like all the other crew members, you have been assigned a specific task. You might be a mechanic or a landing signal officer. You might have a prestigious position as a top gun fighter pilot or something as modest as a janitor. While the specific roles and functions will vary from person to person, every crew member is ultimately working toward the same objective: to fulfil the mission of that vessel.
In the military, depending on your position and rank, you may or may not be privy to the overall purpose for which your ship has been deployed, but in God’s kingdom our commanding officer has made the ultimate objective clear, and if we keep this mission before our eyes, it will help us to discover and fulfil God’s will for our lives. Regardless of the specific role we each are called to play, God’s plan for our lives will always be aligned with the larger mission, and we can eliminate any initiative that is not in sync with it.